Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pentingnya Mempersiapkan Diri untuk Menghadapi Globalisasi | The Importance Of Preparing Ourselves To Face Globalization


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning/afternoon/... Honorable juries, all respectable committee of the speech contest, and all in the audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “The Importance of Preparing Ourselves to Face Globalization Era”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am a senior and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
As a part of the world society, Indonesia must interact with other countries and bound to many regulations. People are easily communicate each other through internet and build relation. Distance does not matter anymore since almost everything is available in the internet. With only one single click, almost everything done. With the advance of information technology, information is available everywhere and easily accessed. The globalization opens our door widely, foreigners are coming and doing bussiness here. With the population of more than 250 milion, Indonesia is a very prostective place for business, where selling and buying are increasing day by day. The country is having smaller portion of control toward the citizen. Life is moving fast, people change, and that is something to be concerned. 

Distinguished audiences.
The interaction with foreigners and how the advance of information technology at present has exposed us to many news and opinions. Exchanging culture and value system are progressing. Some information is purposely delivered to mislead and shove certain idea to create chaos. Things considered taboo and forbiden will fade gradually  as people see them common and do not really care to social punishment. People are now disorriented  due to their failure of handling globalization. They are dragged into the swirl of globalization current and forget where they belong. Young generation is more vulnerable to negative influence.
Respectable Audiences
The fact that citizen of world interaction is progressing and exchanging culture is ubiquitus are avoidable. Instead of hiding and and holding the change, we have to prepare ourselves better. Although the sustainability of our nation is taken care by the government, everyone is responsible to his/her future life. Globalization is bringing up more issues, such as job vacancy, patriotism, and nationalism. We need fill up our skill to compete in job vacancy, we need preserve our morality to  preserve what is recognised as our nation character. 

Brothers and sisters
In what way can we keep up the globalization but maintaining our system value as nation character? Well, when it comes to knowledge and skill, there is no other way to master except by studying hard. We must develop habits of writing, reading, analizing from what we learn at present and relate it to past and the future. Do practice and exercise to get hand on experience. We must not hesitate and lack of self confident to adress our argument or critics as different point of view toward any subject as a process of learning. It is true, sometimes or often, we see things from wrong perspective and then denied by our teachers and friends. To make it worse, they way they deny or reject our perspective are often painful to accept. That’s when we must learn how to accept our shortcomings and recognize others. No body is perfect, everyone makes mistake. Tomorrow must be better than  yesterday.  

My fellow contestants
The temptations of shifting us away  from our focus mostly originated by any media. Game, movies, event are means of advanced country to entertain developed countries as a lullaby. we are made so to become forever consuments and totally dependants. We are overrun by foreign products and technologies, The welfare of country is taken way from us oin the name of globalization and leave us a little because we are incapable. Time to wake up, let us study harder and be strong generation, let us be a sovereign nation with dignity. That will be all, thank you for your attention and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Have a nice day.

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