FUTURE LEADERS CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE BETTERMENT OF INDONESIA Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Good morning/afternoon/... Honorable juries, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all the audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “Future Leaders Characteristic For The Betterment of Indonesia”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am a senior and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro. Distinguished audiences. At this moment, our nation is being disoriented by controversial leadership. The unity of our nation is at high risk since disintegration danger is threatening us. It happens because of our leaders are now prefer fighting for their own groups and parties than to fighting for the shake of Indonesia. They are being busy of blaming each other and neglecting some priority issues, such as forest fire which is now escalating immensely, domestic security, jobless, poverty, and deteriorated infrastr...
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