Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keberadaan Pemimpin Wanita | Existence Of Recently Women Leaders


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let us express our gratitude to the Almighty Allah by reciting “Alhamdulillah” for abundance of mercies so that we can do our daily activities. The honorable juries, judges, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all the audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “Existence  Of Recent Women Leaders”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am a sophomore and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
We just recently commemorated  “Kartini Day” on April 21, an outstanding female figure of women emancipation. It has been 111 years since she passed away, but the echo of local women emancipation keep blaring to motivate more and more women to play important  role in many life aspects. A quote “Behind a successful man, there’s a woman” has motivated more women to act. To see more women involved in many life aspects with important role is proving that what Kartini did in the past has managed to shift women mindset from not  only following orders and doing kitchen stuff but to be more active. Women are now getting more participation in political field and government. 

Respectable Audiences
Let us not forget that women were born to be wives and mothers.. Being born that way, women are physically and mentally different from men. Women are emotionally inclined while men are more cerebral. That’s why women are supposed to have more domestic function to care for the family while men are to provide for and protect the family. What happened is that women emancipation has gone beyond women nature. To make it worst, more women now would not bear and breastfeed their babies. More women express their emancipation by doing things againts social value which in turn neglecting their motherhood and wife’s duty. Children have lost their most supportive care at home. 

Brothers and sisters
Emancipation can not justify that women neglect their duty as wife and mother.  Regardless of how many activities and chances  they have to get involved, they still have to consider their role as wife and mother.  The perspective of women to be equal to men in any term has misled us by tolerating many women’s behavior which are not appropriate to do. The tolerance turn out to be social approval which leads to the devastation of civilization. Somehow, what women do are also caused by how men treat them. Men often mistreat them and ignore their responsibility. 

My fellow contestants
It’s time to review the idea of emancipation. We must evaluate the meaning of emancipation according to what Kartini had expected and more over, to what our religion, Islam, allow us to do. More children are born without a father, casual sex and more abortion are the effects of uncontrolled emancipation. Women can do many things for their country as part of emancipation without ignoring their womanhood value. If they are experts in the knowledge of religion, then it is a must for them  to share what they know, so it is when they are expert of anything else, they can get involved with some limitation required by syar’i and certainly after their obligation to serve as mother and wife have been fullfilled. Women and men are equal as it was mentioned by Umar bin Khattab Ra,”During the ignorance age, women were worthless for us (men), only when Islam came and proclaimed that women were equal to men”.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me come to conclusion of this speech. To be actively involved in any field available for women to join is a good way to emancipate, but women cannot  forget their womanhood values as wife and mother. By doing so then women can both emancipate and be good mothers as well as good wives. Civilization will maintain balance since the descendants are well taken care of with good morality and syar’i. That would be all, I do thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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