Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Karakter Pemimpin untuk Indonesia yang lebih maju | Future Leaders Charateristic For the Betterment of Indonesia


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning/afternoon/... Honorable juries, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all the audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “Future Leaders Characteristic For The Betterment of Indonesia”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am a senior and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
At this moment, our nation is being disoriented by controversial leadership. The unity of our nation is at high risk since disintegration danger is threatening us. It happens because of our leaders are now prefer fighting for their own groups and parties than to fighting for the shake of Indonesia. They are being busy of blaming each other and neglecting some priority issues, such as forest fire which is now escalating immensely, domestic security, jobless, poverty, and deteriorated  infrastructure. This current situation is telling us that we are lack of best quality leaders. We need to do many things necessary to prepare our generation as prospective leaders and at the same time, to educate our society to vote carefully and wisely. 

Distinguished audiences.
To make Indonesia better in the future we need leaders with vision and strong character such as trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fair, caring, and citizenship. Everyone here right now is standing a chance to be a leader in the future. Our multicultural society demands some figures to lead with ability to mobilize the people with well organized plan as a vision to change toward better life, motivate the people to reach the goals without compulsion. To do so, a leadership refers to some efforts to drive the people voluntarily doing things together to reach the goals by meaningful ways which has long term usefulness. As it is said, “Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.” 
Respectable Audiences
Why do leaders need to be trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fair, caring, and citizenship. Well, the most important characteristic for a leader to possess is honesty. If some cannot show others that they are trustworthy in both words and actions, they will not have followers. Respect, most of us recognize that consistency is important in leadership.  When some are able to demonstrate consistency to any value they embrace, then they deserve respect. Fair is important to make sure that everyone treated properly based on law and regultion. Caring, being caring is so important, showing that you care you bring relief, hope and assurance to others. People are deeply grateful when leaders show them that they care then they deserve loyality. And the last is citizenship, in the context of Indonesia which embracee Pancasila as the ideology, leaders need to be fully aware that every citizen has the same right under the law. This awareness will make sure that individual right is taken care properly as long as it does not go againts the unity of the nation. 

Brothers and sisters
Well, you can say that it is easier to say than done. It is so because it will take strenous effort involving all elements of nation to create best quality leaders, and surely I hope, I will be one of them, you don’t mind, do you? Let us take a second of contemplation, if it is not “We” who prepare our own future then who else?, Let us study harder, not only from school but from real life as well to make ourselves qualified as best propestive future leader. 

My fellow contestants
Finally, it comes to an end of this speech, let us learn from what happened today, let us learn from our mistakes, let us be better and stronger tomorow. 
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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