Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Tujuan Hidup | The Goal Of My Life


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let us express our gratitude to the Almighty Allah by reciting “Alhamdulillah” for abundance of mercies so that we can meet here today in a healthy condition, and I wish this competition will be a healthy one. The honorable juries, judges, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “The goal of My life”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am a sophomore and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences
My life is my show. Let me quote a proverb from Aristotle, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”. How would I feel happy then, a Japanese proverb tell us “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. To reach happiness one must have a vision. A vision is the way people see their goal of life, a beyond sight seeing. 

Respectable Audiences
To be honest I am afraid of failure. But being afraid is normal because human is usually afraid of something he or she doesn’t know  nor master well. Why are we afraid of the dark? Because when one in the darkness he cant see things around him well, wether there are things endanger him or not. Somehow, fear has motivated me to study harder, to get up when I fall, to figure ways out when dificulty comes over. I try to see things far ahead. Through a vision, people see things in the dark and get ready to come what may. my vision is much influenced by the family where I grown up, mostly my father. I learnt from my mistake and try to identify the potential mistakes occur in the future. By doing so, some enlighment will always help me with the right path. The vision is to be a future leader who serve God and the people.
Brothers and sisters
As a child grown up in a muslim family, my parents, especially my father, taught me that the best people are those who useful for others. To be useful but not being used, which is why, men are created by God to be leaders, most important to lead him/herself. I learn how to lead myself so that one day, when the time comes, I will be ready to be a leader and be useful for others. When we lead, we model ourself to show them what to do, we motivate ourself to do things for the benefit of other people. I like to organize people, sometimes I become so selfish, stuborn, and heartless. But I do that simply for doing necessary to achieve some goals I set earlier. The result sometimes satisfying or disappointing. I want to be a diplomat or a head of state institution, taking international relation or civiccs will be a good point to make it real.

My fellow contestants
Satisfaction and disappointment teach me that “The end doesn’t justify the mean”, I must do many things but not anything to achieve the goals. It is imparative to keep in my mind that I must consider all human aspects before taking any decision. That’s what so called as leader with character. Apart from my intention to be a good leader, I try to enjoy my life too, listening to some music, reading, and hanging out with some friends. Sometimes I become ignorant, which I regret, and then I try to calibrate my self to be on track. I also feel almost desperate to see things I worked hard tossed me to zero. But my psycology human system, that is praying to God, soon recovers me from such illnesses. The twist and turn of life shape into what I am now.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me come to conclusion of this speech. Everyone is in the process of becoming something, the proces of worldly goals stop when we die, but heavenly process will never stop. I will do many things necessary to be a good leader, but serving God is much more important. Rest my hope to God by doing the best I can, then everything will fall to place.
That would be all, I do thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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