Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan dan Kenakalan Remaja | Student and Crime Education


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Well, this is awesome to join this speech contest. Not only can I practice my English but also getting a chance to win. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ratri Hening Pahayu and I am from Senior High School State 3 Metro. I’d like to deliver a speech about students and crime education. Wow, hearing the word “Crime” sends me some shiver down my spine.

Distinguished audiences.
More competitive life has brought many social problem. People with lower ability become extremely difficult to raise themselves into better life. Some of them also lack of education who can’t afford better employment. The glittering of life somehow has blinded them and made them lose commonsense. They start to eager things that do not belong to them for their own. Robbery, theft, bullying are growing higher even often cost casualty. To make thing worse, those who are frequently exposed to sexual contents which are easily got from the internet become the doers of sex crime. Beginner at using social media or information technology often become victim of fraud or sex abuse. Everyday, more and more crime happened. Often, the suspects run away and be at large to do another crime.

Respectable Audiences
As students of senior high school, we need to learn how take care ourselves. We need to be able to identify and anticipate some possibilities of crime. Double lock on our motor cycle before leaving them, don’t easily hang out with strangers, communicate with trusted adult related to new things offered by other adult, and stay away from drug abuse and sexual contents of many information technology media. To provide better information about preventing crime in any term, an expert explanation required. To do so there has to be regular socialization as preventive from the authority from school to school.  

Ladies and Gentlemen
Somehow we are alone in charge to keep our safety. Getting some education related crime prevention is important but it won’t do any good if we are reckless and ignorant. Beware of our acquint or friends to hang out.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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