Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bagaimana Tujuan Hidup Dapat Mempengaruhi Masyarakat di Sekitar Kita | How the Goal Influence My Life And People Around Me


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
wow..It is so much an honor for me to be at the second round of this speech contest. I had a thought I wont make it. The rivals are great, well,...that must be some kind of luck for me .

Distinguished audiences
I didn’t realize the talent of leadership  when I was a child. I used to instruct my friends to do things when we played together. As I grew more, like other kids, I liked to play drama or acting out some characters we watched from movie or soap opera, It was I who direct other friends during the play. I felt that I was the cleverest among my friends. Not only I managed to direct them play drama or acting out but also best academic grade from elementary school. For many years, I lived by the belief that how smart and talented I was, would be the single, most important factor in determining my level of success in life.

Respectable Audiences
Reaching junior high, I attended JHS 1 Metro, needed more strugle to be the best one. In fact I couldnt be the best in my classroom. But, to some extend, I did encourage my friends to do things. I studied very hard to keep up with those better academic students. The grades I thought I had to achieve through sacrificing nights, weekends and holidays for. Having to consistently be regarded as one of the best ten in my class. And, how there had to be mastery of all subjects studied, regardless of interest. Now, I’m not saying that these accomplishments were of no use at all. In fact, I’m incredibly grateful for all the opportunities and lessons, which I’ve received from the pursuit of academic excellence. But it turns out that academic superiority does not become the main key of being a good leader who serve God and people. It is true that people need to have academic recognition to enter a system but what the people can do more later in the system doesnt have to do with merely academic superiority. Why so? It took me long inner journey before finally I got the insight

Brothers and sisters
From entering adolescence, mingle with more different people and character, it has allowed me to understand that hard work and perseverance are essential ingredients to getting what I want out of life. Being emotionally and interpersonally inteligent is much more important to build chemistry among the people I lead. Showing some respect, listening to what they tell, and avoiding myself from being selfish and taking a decision after considering all what necessary have proven to be effective ways of leading myself to be a leader. They are the catalysts that help turn visions into reality.

My fellow contestants
I made many mistakes, I regret some of them, but then I make them as valuable experience. I understand what made experience is the best teacher. It is not what happened to us but the process of how we respond to what happened. Learning to deal many things, mostly emotional management when i encounter anger and disappointmnet, has made getting more mature, well..may be not mature enough..(smile).

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me end this speech with a wise sentence, “Yesterday is history, tommorow is a mystery, and today is a gift which is way it is called ‘present’”. I learned from yesterday, and think postively for tommorow, and I do the best I can do today. Glad to be here and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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  1. keren mbak blogmu, jago bahasa inggris ya?

    salam kenal

    kunjungi balik mbak kalau minat


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