Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sekolah Sebagai Rumah Kedua | School as A Second Home


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
It’s great to be here from a chance to deliver my speech. I am Ratri Hening Pahayu from Senior High School State 3 Metro. Well, it is so much fun to attend school when the school is as better as home. We can share many things with our classmate or teachers comfortably and save. Is there such school?

Distinguished audiences.
During young age, students are tend to experience imbalance due to puberty. They often mistakenly act toward things and lose their common sense. To many extent, they prefer their friends or their teacher for sharing to their parents. When this happens, teachers are expected to be wise and be a good listener, at the same time, teachers have to provide some suggestion related to problem their students face. When this condition presents at school, likely will the school become a second home for the students.

Respectable Audiences
What we found so far, not many schools are able to present this atmosphere. Not many teachers are able to be there when the students need them as parent or even friend. Often, teachers treat students as object rather than subject. They treat students less humanly by neglecting some personal touch desperately needed by students who are in trouble. The way teachers treat the students such as, underestimating, pay no attention, lack or recognition or reinforcement, make school is away from what so called as “second home”. Not only those who are in trouble want to have teacher attention but also those who want to get higher achievement.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Allow me to put things together about school. Students want their school as their second home. There has to be a changing of the way teachers treat the students. Please treat students as subjects, teach them with patience and love. Only patience and love can build stronger personality to students. When teachers are able to do so, then school must be a second home.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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