Menentukan Sinopsis Novel dan Struktur Bahasa dalam Bahasa inggris | Synopsis, Language Features and General Structure

SYNOPSIS CHAPTER “Pollyanna” Firstly, thanks to Allah SWT for abundance of mercies so i can finish the task entitled Synopsis Chapter Pollyanna Academic Year 2015/2016. Second, to my english teacher Mrs. Tian and my father for helping me doing this synopsis chapter. I do the task for completing my value. This task contains about synopsis, generic structure, some lesson that have given to us so if we are expert in the knowlegde we can expand what we know. I hope this synopsis chapter will be usefull for us as, and your suggestions and critis is needed here to make my task be better again. Metro, 20th May 2015 A. IDENTITY OF BOOK 1) Title in full : Pollyanna 2) Author : Eleanor H. Porter 3) Place : San Bernardino, CA, USA 4) Publisher ...